Walk-In Self-Serve Washing | We Wash For You By Appointment | Loyalty Program
Loyalty Program
Walk-In Appointments
Same-Day Services
Self-Service Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10:00 am - 6:30 pm
Last Self Service walk in is at 6pm
Saturday - Sunday: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Last Self Service Walk in is at 4pm
We Wash & De-Shed Appointment Hours:
Monday Thru Sunday 10am to 5pm
De-Shed Service!
Prevent matting and fur all over your house with our De-Shed Service. Your double coated dog sheds two times a year, which if left alone can cause matting and other problems for you fur baby. With our new De-Shed Service, we use professional grade products and techniques to safely de-shed your dog.
Price includes nail trim
Schedule your appointment today!
Toy (up to 10lbs) $40 to $50
Small (11 to 20lbs) $45 to $55
Medium (21 to 45lbs) $60 to $70
Large (46 to 85lbs) $75 to $85
X-Large (86 to 100lbs) $85 to 95
Giant (101lbs +) $95 to $105
When your 4-legged best friend is starting to smell a little ripe, bring them in for a bath using our tubs. You can either wash your furry friend yourself or have our staff do it for you.
Did you know that having your puppy groomed regularly can make sure they are used to being handled so they are easier to work with later? Bring your pup to our local and family-owned grooming center.
4303 W. 27th Ave Ste. B
Kennewick, WA 99338
27th Ave Location: (509) 572-2059
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